Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Notes for Packing for Riddle

Hey Guys,

Here is some general advice for how to go about packing for Riddle
  1. Coordinate with your roommates
    • Assignments have been sent to your Riddle e-mail. Check this and get in contact with suitemates so that you don't end up brings a hundred pots and four TV's
  2. Do not bring a car-load of stuff and expect to keep it all in the room
    • The rooms become very small very fast if you bring a lot of lamps and knick-knacks
    • Get a list of top things you have to have and be ready to send anything extra back if the room is getting crowded
    • You are going to accumulate a ton more stuff as the year goes by so don't plan to fill your room on move-in
  3. Do not bring cruddy Tee-Shirts
    • We are going to give you all the Tee-Shirts you can stand after just a few weeks
  4. But make sure you are comfortable
    • You are going to live here after all
In case you guys never had a tour of the Mingus Complex here is a video for you to watch and see what the Suites are generally like so you can plan ahead a little better. (Note: I made this video with a tablet and five minutes so I apologize for the quality)

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