Saturday, August 16, 2014

The RA

When coming in as a freshman you are usually not aware of the term RA. So here is what it is.

An RA is a Resident Assistant.  In the Mingus Complex (Halls 1-5) The RA is a Sophomore or better that lives on each floor of every building in one of the suites. In Village and Thumb Butte complexes there is typically one RA per building.

You can find an RA near you by the large labels all over their door that say "RA Dave", or "RA Jen" or whatever. They also will be one of the first random people to walk up to you the day of orientation and introduce themselves.

The RA job is a weird combination of just about anything you can imagine. We are supporters, leaders, policy enforcers, mentors,cruise directors and a general all around resource. We exist to help students get through their campus living and Riddle experience.

A fair analogy for an RA would be that of an older brother. The cool guy that has already done everything before you and whom you look up too. He is the person that will give you rides and come up with the cool ways to spend time. But at the same time he is also the guy that gets to babysit and enforce the rules when Mom and Dad are gone.

The RA's put on programs and events that are meant to enhance the experience of living on campus. We work to build communities on our floors and just have fun. If you have a question about anything we can typically answer it or find someone who can.

RA's are one of the best resources available to any incoming student. Use them and come to them whenever something comes up and you want help or advice. We are here to help you succeed with your roommates, classes, or anything.

With that all being said. Please respect your RA. We have to deal with some of the best and the worst on campus. We are the ones up at 3:00 A.M. responding to fire alarms and might be the ones to call 911 for you. It makes our life so much easier if you don't abuse what we are providing. We are still students and still have lives just like you.

I hope this clarifies what an RA is for those that do not already know. But make sure you get to know your RA personally when you arrive at Riddle. It will be to your benefit.

Side Note: If you want to be an RA at Embry-Riddle Prescott applications are made available in the spring semester of every year. You must have a 2.5 GPA and have completed you freshmen year. To get more details about the day-to-day life of an RA talk to yours.

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